« Coming together is a beginning,
keeping together is progress,
working together is success. » Henri FORD
Supplies is a strategic area that leaves no room for improvisation at the Oil Mill. We are committed to collaboration and partnership. To buy, choose and select raw materials, trust is crucial. Buying better, fairer, is also a human adventure, the work of a team with proven commercial skills, the starting point of any competitiveness.

Philippe C, Aurélie, Philippe H ,Christine,

Ghislaine, Matthieu, Coralie, Emeline.
Although this is its primary function, accounting is not only the recording of all financial operations related to the Oil Mill and to the daily management of the company, but is also a reliable financial information tool in constant contact with all departments. When the words are more explicit than the figures: to direct, to decide, to organise, to realise, to evaluate. Analyses and perspectives are the tools for a clear understanding of the Oil Mill. Over the last 10 years, the Oil Mill has undergone a transformation, commercial options and investment policy have been put in place to ensure development and sustainability.
The oil mill is pulsating with orders. We are entering the world of the “customer service obsessed”: nothing must be allowed to get out of hand, only total customer satisfaction counts. Everything is classified, sorted, ordered, information is in continuous flow, from the negotiation to the order, from the label to the container, from the production of the ordered oil to the dispatch. There is a place at the heart of the Oil Mill where the art of mastering time is present.

Aurélie, Elodie, Christine…

Camille, Florent, Sami, Marine, Nadine.
Nothing is left to chance, the quality department is a concentrate of rigour. The professional expertise goes far beyond what you would expect. From the seed to the bottle, the oil undergoes many controls. Its role extends to training people, monitoring compliance with strict hygiene rules, ensuring the conformity and safety of people and production equipment, etc. It is already involved in respecting the environment, and will be in the future in more responsible purchasing, and more social and societal ethics.. Quality is our future, so we should not neglect it!
Commercial skills are the art of relationship building, of knowing how to weave links, of listening, of detecting needs, of understanding the motivation to buy in order to match the solutions. The Oil Mill has adapted and renewed its sales force, a sales team specifically dedicated to the challenges of the various markets: private, professional, industrial.

Jérôme, Stéphane, Laure Philippe H.

Remy, David, Nicolas, Élodie, Jacques, Céline, Samuel, Glles…
The directing is well-proven, the actors know their lines inside out.. The packaging (up to 70 references) is a well-felt score in which the men and women master the bottling chain from A to Z and pay particular attention to each production. The final act, shipping, deserves the same high standards and the same perfection.
Behind the set, another scene, another place, but the same unit of time, the production is played out in 3 acts: assembly, storage (approx. 1000 tons), shipping. Here, they are working on the big stuff, entering another dimension. Although mechanisation at all stages is increasingly efficient, it does not exclude the human hand in designing and transporting the oils to distant destinations.

Maxime, Gilles, Christophe, Daniel, David, Stéphane, Guillaume…

Sylvain, Pascal F, Pascal L, Didier, Joël, Dorian…
We offer the best of nature, combining modernity and authenticity, we work on the material and respect for the manufacturing process, harmony and singularity of taste. Each oil produced does not leave one unmoved, it is the reflection of a perfect alchemy mixing experience and passion. Each one here leaves a unique footprint, and even if technology is at the service of taste, we value progress, not nostalgia.
Nothing would be possible without those devoted assistants who make life easier for the Oil Mill. Their job is to maintain an optimal level of efficiency. The maintenance department is crucial. It ensures the management of the availability of the equipment and that goes well beyond that: safety of the men and of the whole Oil Mill, safety of the production tool.

Guillaume, Jules,…